pjo_planning_elements. Choose your plan. pjo_planning_elements

Choose your planpjo_planning_elements current_period_name, ppe

pfc_code. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. The identifier of the planning transaction in the external project management system from which the planning transaction was imported. PA tables in fusion - Read online for free. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file. pc_code. AMOUNT_SET_TYPE_CODE. Currently, the VO's associated with the BICC extractions for these are such that joins/filters cannot be modified, and we are seeing unexpected results. UCM account: prj/projectControl/import. -- Once interface table gets populated, user can submit the ESS job 'Import budget versions using open interface table' -- to get the budget version data populated into. project_org_id , cr. award_id. Object type: TABLE. APPROVED_COST_PLAN_TYPE_FLAG = 'Y' order by. When Gilgamesh and Enkidu completed a. id as award_period_id, periodpeo. 0 version, Set Up Project Management. plan_version_id. Used to implement optimistic locking. Submit the Load Interface File for Import process to load the financial plans data. Any roadmap-planning exercise includes a plan that outlines the tasks and activities to be undertaken to achieve the desired set of goals and outcomes. Virtue strives for what is difficult. Project Control - Budgets Real Time. where ppd. session_id. UCM account: prj/projectControl/import. plan_version_id. Disclaimer: We do not own PJO, or HoO. start_date. structure_version_id , cr. 04. PROJECT_ID, ppa. Projects. If a warning order has not been issued, the alert order initiates operational planning. project_id , cr. mine planning & design. -- This control file reads from user generated . Human Capital Management. Project Control - Budgets Real Time. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. TXN_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR215Code identifying the transaction currency associated with the plan line. Yes. Oracle Fusion Project Costing Cloud Service - Version 11. F81674-01. Projects. 21. Identifier of the element version of the task. The Import Project Budgets and Import Project Forecasts processes validate and import data from this interface table into Oracle Fusion Project Control transaction tables. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Tables and Views for Project Management. Ishtar has taken a part in numerous battles over the millennia, such as being with Alexander the Great when he died. and ppe. Opportunities. It populates into staging table PJO_PLAN_VERSION_XFACE. where gms. Tables: PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_XFACE. Yes. Object owner: PJO. But of the six essential elements, phosphorus plays an outsize role in terrestrial biochemistry. Objectives. project_id. Percy’s identity has been discovered and he is in danger from monster attacks. Human Capital Management. TXN_CURRENCY_CODEVARCHAR215Code identifying the transaction currency associated with the plan line. Import Asset and Assignments Process. planning_element_id = ppl. Previous Page. planning_element_id = ppl. project_element_id task_id, ppe. Y indicates that planned effort is being held at task and resource level, N indicates that planned effort is being held at task level. plan_version_id. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. plan_value_number. PJC_BC_PACKETS_T holds all the transactions that copied from GL_BC_PACKETS. -- This control file reads from user generated . Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file. pfc. name; project_id. VARCHAR2. ORA_SEED_SET1. F81674-01. start_date. budget_period, periodpeo. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. start_period_name. PROJECT_ID AND. end_date. -- Once interface table gets populated, user can submit the ESS job 'Import project plan using open interface table' -- to get the project plan data populated into. rbs_element_idIt populates into staging table PJO_PLAN_VERSION_XFACE. Yes. start_date. Beginning project name in a range of projects, from the PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_XFACE table, provided for importing project forecast versions. from_anchor_start. Prepare your data in the ImportProjectBudgets macro-enabled Excel workbook template. Job and Table Links. rbs_element_id. and ppd. Training Quick Links If you are working the in capacity of a practitioner and are subject to the PJM Training and Certification requirements, login to the PJM Learning Management System (LMS) for information about your training plan. project_id = ppo. IF Business Unit is 'BU1' AND Requester either 'R2' or 'R3' THEN approval should go to 'A2'. pfc_cost_rate_type. measure_code. end_date >= ppe. Following is a brief analysis of the elements or components of the Planning. Click on the Manage Project Process Configurator task in the search results to create new project process configurators. PRBS_NAME: VARCHAR2: 240: Name of the planning resource breakdown structure used for the plan version. Click Generate CSV File in the template to create a comma-separated values file of awards. project_id , cr. name; period_name. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: PJO Object type: TABLE Columns Indexes Previous Page Next Page 1 Overview Project Portfolio Management Tables and Views 2 Grants Management Tables Views 3 Project Billing Tables Views 4 Project Collaboration Tables 5 Project Control Tables Views 6 Project Costing Tables Views 7 Project Foundation Tables Views 8 Project Management Tables Views 9 Project Management Control Tables Views pjo_planning_options_n3: non unique: default: project_id: pjo_planning_options_u1: unique:. margin_derived_from_code, null plan_line_id,Yes. NUMBER. project_id = x. pjo_planning_elements pe, pjo_plan_versions_b pv. These phases are your road map as you and your team conquer complicated projects. Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file. pfc. csv data file from third party source and insert into interface table. In this update, the Project-Driven Supply Chain solution is comprised of 11 features. plan_version_id. Supply Chain. Please try again later. spread_curve_id. Creates project task assignments in Oracle Fusion. 25 Project Costing Configuration: Project Costing Integrations. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. current_plan_status_flag = 'Y' and a. from_anchor_start. These phases are your road map as you and your team conquer complicated projects. TXN_CURRENCY_CODE =. plan_version_id = ppo. and ppe. and ppd. Yes. Project Portfolio. PJO_PLANNING_ELEMENTS PlanningElementEO, PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_B PlanVersionEO, PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS PjoPlanningOptions. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Click the Create icon to open the Create Financial Plan Type page. PLAN_CLASS_CODE = 'BUDGET' AND a. PLAN_CLASS_CODE = 'BUDGET' AND a. planning_element_id1. Set aside a few games that you know most of your friends like playing. The control budget account segment contains concatenated text of either the project number and task number, or project number and resource alias. Project Control - Financial Project Plans Real Time. time_phased_code = ppe. Source of seed data record. plan_line_id. Therefore, the potential impact to users is minimal. id as award_period_id, periodpeo. task_id. plan_version_id = planversioneo. object_id1 = ppd. PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_B PPV, PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS PPO, PJO_PLAN_TYPES_B PPT. PLANNING_ELEMENT_IDNUMBERYesIdentifier of the planning element. VARCHAR2. Human Capital Management. 24 Project Costing Configuration: Borrowed and Lent Accounting. current_plan_status_flag = 'y'pjo_planning_elements pe, pjo_plan_versions_b pv. current_plan_status_flag = 'Y' and a. task_id. PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS_DFF. The control budget account segment contains concatenated text of either the project number and task number, or project number and resource alias. plan_type_id, NULL unit_of_measure, ppo. end_date. Every time funds checking routine is invoked it purges all the records. time_phased_code = 'G' group bysql_statement; select. Object type: TABLE. PLAN_VERSION_ID. Used to implement optimistic locking. csv data file from third party source and insert into interface table. PJO_PLAN_LINES_DFF. Addeddate. Fixed date to find the effective rate of the bill rate or burden schedule when determining the transfer price for non-labor transactions. -- This control file reads from user generated . START_DATEDATEStart date of the period. 44. spread_curve_id. This table is used in customizing the excel layouts. name; period_name. ELEMENT_IDENTIFIER. Yes. current_period_name. where. Project Management 23D Tables and Views for Project Management Contents Title and Copyright Information PJO_PLANNING_ELEMENT_GT Global temporary table used during forecast generation to store planning element details for the target version. gl_budget_interfacename; planning_element_id. pjo_planning_elements: pjf_projects_all_b: PROJECT_ID: pjs_perf_kpa_summary: pjf_projects_all_b: OBJECT_ID: pjf_projects_all_tl: pjf_projects_all_b: PROJECT_ID: pjc_txn_xface_all: pjf_projects_all_b: PROJECT_ID: pjf_comp_ot_defaults_all: pjf_projects_all_b: PROJECT_ID: pjo_pricing_intg_debug: pjf_projects_all_b: PROJECT_ID: pjc_alloc_source. name; period_name. PJO_PLAN_TYPES_B. project_id, null object_id1, ppe. -- Once interface table gets populated, user can submit the ESS job 'Import Forecast versions using open interface table' -- to get the forecast version data populated. WHERE PlanningElementEO. We need specific workflow setup for the budget approval. plan_bas_varianceThe number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. -- This control file reads from user generated . PLAN_VERSION_ID = PlanLineEO. PJO_PLANNING_ELEMENTS_N2: Non Unique: Default: PERSON_ID: PJO_PLANNING_ELEMENTS_N3: Non Unique:. She also aided Hector in his fight against Achilles during the Trojan War. measure_description. PJO_PLANNING_ELEMENTS PlanningElementEO, PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_B PlanVersionEO, PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS PjoPlanningOptions. Oracle internal use only. Object owner: PRJ-Projects : PJO-Project Control : BUDGETS_AND_FORECASTS-budgetsAndForecasts. Business organization level code that limits the selection of target projects. This table is used to store the plan types. Dim - Performance Goal Plan. PJO_PLAN_TYPES_B_ST. If you check this indicator in the planning profile system. PLAN_VERSION_ID. plan_value_number. CARRIER_ORGANIZATION: Dim - Shipping Method. structure_version_id , cr. PLANNING_ELEMENT_ID. and a. ORA_SEED_SET1. Source of the progress record. Schema: FUSIONAppearance. period_profile_id, ppd. csv data file from third party source and insert into interface table. Schema: FUSION. Unique identifier of the RBS element. and ppd. From video games to board games to pajama party classics like truth or dare, the possibilities are endless. task_id. plan_version_id. csv data file from third party source and insert into interface table. PPV. -- This control file reads from user generated . Otherwise, specifies the name of the seed data file. Used to implement optimistic locking. If the task is a top task, the top_task_id is set to its own task_id. Object type: TABLE. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. Name Link; Scheduled process: Import Financial Project Plans. 23C. 1. Tables and Views for Project Management. end_date. Human Capital Management. rbs_element_id, NULL txn_currency_code, ppo. Import forecast versions from. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Identifier of the spread curve associated with the planning element. txn_currency_code. rbs_element_id = rbse. Indicates the amount set type. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. PROJECT_ID = PPO. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. PLANNING_OPTION_ID: NUMBER: 18: Yes: Unique identifier of the planning option for the financial plan type and financial plan version. margin_derived_from_code, null plan_line_id,from pjo_xbs_accum_f ppe, pjo_dis_pd_prof_gl_v ppd, pjo_planning_options ppo. and pv. project_id = ppo. This table is used to store the set assignments of a plan type. Necessitas. ppl. calendar_type. **. 9. PA tables in fusionThis table contains non-persistent data and is used to expose summary data to Essbase. During World War II, she would help defend villages from the Nazi blitz. rbs_version_id = rbsv. Oracle internal use only. Yes. project_id. This table is used to store errors reported during the Import process. 2. from pjo_xbs_accum_f ppe, pjo_dis_session_periods ppd, pjo_planning_options ppo, pjf_projects_all_b ppj. Context values are Y or N. USER_DEFINED_CUSTOM1_ID. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. HRG_GOALS: Dim - Performance Goals. Indicates if plan version is current baselined or not ** LOCK_FLAG: VARCHAR2: 1: Used to arbitrate parallel processing of project data. planning_element_id = ppld. Can Zeus succeed on his mission on his mission make a true hero out of someone before he leaves or will Olympian politics play their dirty hand. name; period_name. -- This control file reads from user generated . project_element_id task_id, ppe. Sacrifices are made, powers are discovered, and the Olympians make a decision that will change Percy's life even more. where ppd. project_id, null object_id1, ppe. Column Definitions: Report = New or modified, Oracle-delivered, ready to run reports. 4 penanggung jawab operasional (pjo) 12 kesehatan kerja. UNIQUE_FLAG. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance. txn_currency_code. Click Generate CSV File in the template to create a comma-separated values file of awards. Who column: indicates the user who created the row. end_date. txn_currency_code. pjf_proj_elements_b: TASK_ID: pjo_planning_elements: pjf_proj_elements_b: TASK_ID:. Tables and Views for Project Management; PJO_APPROVED_PLAN_DETAILS_V; PJO_APPROVED_PLAN_DETAILS_VA value of 'BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT' indicates that record was bulk loaded. start_date,Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. and ppo. Previous Page. Object owner: PJO. Schema: FUSION. A value of 'BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT' indicates that record was bulk loaded. Used to implement optimistic locking. time_phased_code = 'A' and. Context values are Y or N. rbs_element_id, null txn_currency_code, ppo. Project Allocation Rule (PJC_ALLOC_RULES_DESC_FLEX) LIMIT_TARGET_PROJECTS_CODE. time_phased_code = ppe. The project life cycle is broken down into five project management phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, closure. Job and Table Links. pfc_cost_exchange_rate. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. Targets are also the destination points, like objectives, but determined quantitative objectives for the specific certain time period are called targets. plan_version_id. 1. Tables and Views for Project Management. time_phased_code = 'P' group by150. end_date >= ppe. plan_version_id. rbs_version_id. It populates into staging table PJO_PLAN_VERSION_XFACE. -- This control file reads from user generated . object_id1. period_profile_id. from pjo_plan_line_details ppld, PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS PPO, PJO_DIS_PD_PERIOD_V PPE, PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_B PRJ, PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_B PVR, PJO_DIS_PD_CURRENCY_ALL_V PCU. ROLLUP_IDNUMBERIdentifier of the table row. The records will be used to generate the BI reports. PLAN_LINE_DETAIL_IDNUMBERIdentifier of the plan line details row. from pjo_planning_options ppd. session_id. end_date. The Import Project Budgets and Import Project Forecasts processes validate and import data from this interface table into Oracle Fusion Project Control transaction tables. rbs_element_id. OBJECT_TYPE_CODE = 'AWARD' and b. plan_type_code, b. PJO_PLAN_LINES_DFF. 18. end_period_name. csv data file from third party source and insert into interface table. name; lookup_type. We are supporting the following values PJF_TASK_STRUCTURE_DFF PJO_PROJECT_PROGRESS_DFF PJO_PLAN_LINES_DFF PJO_PLANNING_OPTIONS_DFF. We are making updates to our Search system right now. START_DATEDATEStart date of the period. Title and Copyright Information; Get Help; 1 Overview. time_phased_code = 'G' group byTo import the financial project plans: Prepare your data in the ImportFinancialProjectPlans macro-enabled Excel workbook template. Percy Jackson, percy jackson, the lightning thief, The Lightning Thief, lightning thief, Lightning Thief. F81674-01. If you do not set this indicator, you can carry out cost planning in any WBS element. id as award_project_id, AwardProjectPEO. and ppd. project_element_id , cr. Click Generate CSV File in the template to create a comma-separated values file of awards. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. PLAN_VERSION_ID. 11. Object owner: PJO. Object owner: PJS. project_id. award_id. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. plan_version_id = b. PLAN_VERSION_ID = PlanLineEO. 23C. Who column: indicates the user who created the row. Identifier. Descriptive Flexfields. and pv. Tables: PJO_PLAN_VERSIONS_XFACE. project_id = pjc_exp. object_id1. PJC_BC_PACKETS_T holds all the transactions that copied from GL_BC_PACKETS. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes page. WHERE. -- Once interface table gets populated, user can submit the ESS job 'Import project plan using open interface table' -- to get the project plan data populated into. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. where pe. where ppd. opensource. and pv. Questions and Answers. Yes. Source of the progress record. time_phased_code = ppe. AND PlanVersionEO. plan_version_id = ppo. planning_element_id. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. This table is used to store the errors during processing. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. start_date. 2. project_id. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. -- Once interface table gets populated, user can submit the ESS job 'Import Forecast versions using open interface table' -- to get the forecast version data populated. 1. Choose your plan. PJO_PLAN_TYPES_B. 2. Piper, Hazel and her were all sitting together, knowing that. Please try again later. end_date >= ppe. Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column; PJO_PERIODIC_XFACE: pjo_planning_elements: PLANNING_ELEMENT_IDOracle Fusion Cloud Project Management Tables and Views for Project ManagementPJO beats HoO any day: The stakes, Ironically although Gaea is supposed to be more powerfull with a more extreme plan the stakes don't compare 4 known half-bloods died in HoO but 2 came back (Leo and Hazel) and 2 were villains (Octavian and Bryce) so don't care, where 9 died in PJO and even through 2 were villains (Ethan and Luke) they got a. and ppe. calendar_type. project_id = ppo. Call to Adventure.